Mr.Ruste    29 Sept 2013

After so many years switch my Anti-Virus software

After so many years of using the same anti-virus software on my computers as well as installing it on our client computers I had recently switch the software on both my laptop and desktop computers after I had reformatted before of them. It had been a while since I had clean out my desktop. My laptop has never been reformatted. I was thinking it was about the time to do so. Anyways, I have been using AVG free for years since 2005. As of the recent I've been having issues with installing in on a couple of my client computers spending hours to almost days trying to fix the dumb errors. I had got to the point that I thought it was time to look for a different program, So I had search the world of the net and read through reviews on a couple of different programs. I had decided to give Avast! and try. I now have Avast! install on both of my Windows computers and will be giving it a test drive. What does this mean for our clients? Well nothing much as of right now. We will continue to install AVG if no problems occur. But we will be offering other options for virus protection as well. If we continue to have the issues with AVG will will discontinue install though as it is too time consuming to try and get something to work for our customers.

Side note: We are going to be testing out other different software applications for our customers to find ones that meet their needs.

This news item is from Rust Of All Trades / Rutakus Services