I have decided to have all imported news articles and content be listed under that archive news category. Even if it can be listed in other news categories. The reason is to kind  show some of the evolution of this company things we had to go through, the

I have decided to have all imported news articles and content be listed under that archive news category. Even if it can be listed in other news categories. The reason is to kind  show some of the evolution of this company things we had to go through, the good and the bad. Also some of the changes in what is offered. Changes in b rand names/tradenames. I have been slacking on getting things done on the site as I have been installing some of the software and what not that I had on my old computer system that had crashed plus trying to finish opening up our new web hosting company as well. So I wworking pretty hard on finishing up the site and I also haven't decide whether or not I want to open user registration. Stay tuned for more.


This news item is from Rust Of All Trades / Rutakus Services