Mr.Ruste    13 May 2013

More Service plans coming in the Future

I have been thinking lately about adding some other services to Rutakus. One thing I have really been putting a lot of though into is going a head and start adding web design and banner/flyer/business card and other design type services to our site. But I haven't yet due to our portfolio is that big at the moment but I do plan on doing so soon. Right now we offer quiet a range of different services, some not listed on this site as we have other sites for the services listed under our network page.

I have also been think about adding support services for cell phones. Mostly smartphones like Android, Windows Phone and iPhones. This will be more of an in person type of support. But we will most likely do things like help with backing up files from the device to another storage device, sd card file recovery, master resetting the the device down to factory defaults. Diagnostic test to find software or hardware problems. But this one might take a bit more time as there is more planning envoled including trying to have access to support information from all the different device manufactures. But I would like to see this one soon.

Last one we will be adding here soon is both online and offline backup storage for your important data. Our online storage might be a bit later as we have to look into getting a file server. But our offline storage will be external hard drives not connected to the network.

So be on the look out for some of our upcoming services.

Side note: it getting close to our 3 year mark of being in business

This news item is from Rust Of All Trades / Rutakus Services