Random Posting version 2.0

Hello readers, not much going on lately. This is more of a random post just to talk about random stuff. First if you guys remember a while back in a older news post we were talking about adding smartphone services to our business. That is still in the process. We are trying to come to what services will be providing as well as pricing. At the moment it's a bit hard to come up with the pricing as there isn't a lot of places that provide this service(s). We want to be able to provide troubleshooting for smartphones like Android, Windows Phone and iPhone. We are also thinking about having smartphone training class to help show how to use the phones. We are also going to be doing this for computers as well. We will let you guys know when we add this to our services.

We also have been thinking about a couple other things. We want to be able to add web site design, software development, and smartphone app development to our list of services. These services are not going to have a set price due to the complexity of most project. So those services we will be quoting each project based on how long the project will take and complexity of the projects. Though for web site design we will be doing cheap web templates/layouts with programs like Artisteer for set prices and if need to have those templates modified it will only go up a bit.

Anyways, that's it for the moment. None of the above has been added to our services page yet. but you may contact us if you would like to have us provide one of those services. Thanks for reading.

This news item is from Rust Of All Trades / Rutakus Services