Well, Well Lots of things going on.

Well I've been pretty busy with trying to get things going with the business and some of the new sites and service offer ideas and what not. As you know we moved to a new server. Things are going well. Rutakus.com and sub-sites are located on our server number 2 rutakushosting is its name. Server 1 is Offerandclicks. Then a shared hosting account for a site we are going to manage georgesheavenlyhoney.com Honey bee business my mom, sister and I had come up with in memory of George Lukach my grandfather who was a bee keeper, violin maker, etc. You be able to read about it there once the site is up and running. Design is being worked on at the moment for the one and few others including our newest edition rutakuspixel.com which will consist of the main site Rutakus Pixel TE our traffic exchange and plans for a sub pixel advertising web site.

Our ptc site are coming back. I'm just having a hard time getting them too work without error. Aurora Gpt script hasn't been updated in so long I'm wondering if I should just switch to a different script as I don't want to downgrade PHP on the server anymore as those older ones are to the END OF LIFE meaning no more development or security fixes. I’m looking into that possibility might be better for all. But I’m going to research into that first.

Well, I’m also planning on having some help if I host and get their websites going for them. Maybe, work part time as tier 1 support LOL.

Anyways, that’s it for the moment.

This news item is from Rust Of All Trades / Rutakus Services