Mr.Ruste    22 Feb 2016

Some Updates

Well, I haven't posted in a while maybe the day my company starts having employees I can have them start posting random updates. But if you guys don't know at the moment I'm the only employee and I have a lot of work to do. This injury and health issues in general (damn you FedEx and still wasn't worth it). But there is a lot going on in the back end just not as much lately on Rutakus Dot Com. But I will be working on it. We will be opening up a new store under a sub domain here soon since we had removed the store from our main web site here. I haven't open registration up on some of our sites including this one but I do plan on adding users who have purchased services through us one way or another.


On top of the above we are now offering video encoding services for some video tapes, hi8/8mm, VHS, MINI DV, VHS-C. We will encode these to a digital format for both dvd and web. At the moment we are only offering this service to the local Spokane/Spokane Valley/Deer Park/other close by, Washington areas.


Though, they have been up for a bit. We have relaunched Atomic PTC and Offers And Clicks. At the moment they will be running on the current script that they were running on before I had to shut down my servers TT due to my injury and financial issues because for the injury. But I have purchased a script with run unlimited sites (99% open source) and I will be switching both Atomic PTC and Offers And Clicks. With that said I have also launched our very first traffic exchange site called Rutakus Pixel TE and it just a place for some small businesses or admins can get free views to their pages by viewing other web sites. Yes, we do offer extremely cheap advertising packages. That site is still beta and with that and working on my new designs for both Offers and Atomic XD. So as you guys can see I'm pretty busy in the back end but I will try and keep you guys as updated as possible. Best check and view all our network sites. You may notice more activity elsewhere LOL

This news item is from Rust Of All Trades / Rutakus Services