Mr.Ruste    06 Jun 2011

Rutakus is a year old now, Long time no update

I would like to first like to announce that Rutakus is a year old and we had celebrated our birthday on 6-3-2011 since that was the day we had registered our business. The first has been a bit rough and we really didn't operate all that much. But we are slowly piecing the puzzle pieces together. Here are some small milestones for the first year. We first had got our web site up and running along with registering all of the business domains. We created a simple fast design for the Rutakus Computer services web site (Main business). Slowly get our network grow. Our paid to clicks sites are running smooth and so far any hack attempts have not been successful. Members continue to get paid for their work. Rutakus Domains is being maintain and advertised to help create more visits and potential customers for our domain reseller outlet. Our computer/electronics is currently in the works along with our Herbalife independent distributor store. Both stores are using Open Cart and still being worked on.

Now as for this year our goals are as follows. Create more content for Rutakus computer services web site (open user registration for more customer interaction). Switch out Mr.Ruste's online earning blog over to a different blog script, Increase paid to click web site income (bring in new advertisers). Finish configuring both open cart stores; setting up payment options, shipping methods, and adding products. Get and pay for a owned license for a web host billing system software for Rutakus Hosting (open up hosting packages).

Well that's about it for the time being.

This news item is from Rust Of All Trades / Rutakus Services