Mr.Ruste    12 Mar 2014

Atomic Pixel/VivicaWolf is back online

As some of our viewers know one of our network sites was in maintenance mode for a good couple of weeks. was down after we had done some updates to our server software. The update to PHP is what had messed up the site. which is our advertising division that maintains was also down. That site was up in a couple of days. But we were having constant issues with script. But now it back up. We actually had the reinstall a fresh copy. But manually imported the data in the old database.

Now that we have got it back up and running, we are having a price drop for our 10x10 pixels ads. It will be $0.01 per 10x10 pixels. The price used to be $0.10 cents per 10x10 pixel. This is for a 30 day period. So why not get your spot on our pixel grid today.

Click here:

This news item is from Rust Of All Trades / Rutakus Services