Rutakus is now open (Post-Launch)
Welcome to the Rutakus website. We are now in the mode of exiting our pre-launch mode. We will call this our post-launch mode. So we still have a lot of work ahead of us but we think it's that time to start opening up the site. First I would like to say that Rutakus is a computer repair/sales business registered in the state of Washington (US). A lot of our computer repair services are only provided to local residents in Spokane or Deer Park area. But we are working on a store for computer parts and accessories which will be made available world wide here soon. More will be posted about this later.
First I would like to discuss the state of the site. We are work on added a few things/features but the first thing is to get some of the other pages up and available. So the first couple of pages (i.e. links at the top) that are currently in the "coming soon" status are our first goals. The next plan is to open up user registration. Anyways, that is it for the time being. I just wanted to give you all a explanation of what our site is about.